What to expect

What to expect at Sunday gatherings

At our Sunday gatherings, you will be welcomed into a casual, friendly, family environment by people just like you,
in need of Jesus Christ’s love. Come as you are! 

We have outgrown our church building and so to accommodate everyone, we currently have worship services at 08:00 and 09:30,
while we are in the process of extending.


What to expect in our Sunday gatherings:

  • Clear expository preaching and teaching from the Bible
  • Worship through singing and prayer
  • Each service lasts between 60 and 75 minutes
  • Coffee and tea after each service
  • A time to connect with fellow believers


  • At our 9:30 service we have Kids Church so bring  your kids along to join the fun (preschool to grade 7)
  • We encourage family worship where children join in the Worship Service until they go out for Kids Church

Come join us this weekend!

Thinking of getting connected at Christ Church George?


Most frequent questions and answers

If you want to become a member of Christ Church George, we would love to walk you through this journey. We take membership very seriously and want members to feel part of the family and the place where they can serve. We encourage you to participate in our services and activities for 6 months, to make sure you agree with our mission and beliefs, before taking the step to become a member.

We believe that by serving and loving others, like Jesus did, we grow closer to others and Him, and we are obedient to God. As God provides our family with different gifts, we get the opportunity to use our gifts to worship Him and bless others. Prayerfully consider where God can use you with the gifts He has given you, to serve the Christ Church George family.

Col 3:17

17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Here are some ways you can serve  at Christ Church George.

Most teams require one or two serving times per month. Some of the serving teams require additional time for preparation during the week. Get in touch with us to find out more about how you can serve.

  • Tea / Coffee
  • Welcome Team
  • Band
  • Kids / Teens / Jump Kids Club / Holiday Club
  • Women’s / Men’s ministries
  • Prayer and Reading
  • Flowers
  • Audio & Visuals / Media
  • Website and Social media
  • Administration
  • Events

We do not take a collection in our services. The reason for this is so that visitors do not feel pressure to give but rather feel welcome and that they can receive the Good News without any expectation of financial contribution to the church. Another reason is that we want Christ Church George family members to give thoughtfully, deliberately and regularly. We believe this is best achieved when giving is done electronically and find most people choose to pay via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). 

Christ Church George 
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch: York Street
Branch Code: 051001
Account Number: 082861129

The Bible is clear that Christians ought to give money to gospel ministry. It’s an indication that we are trusting in God for our needs. Giving is an indication that we are grateful for the generosity of God in giving us His Son, Jesus, who gave His life as a ransom for our sins.

The New Testament gives us three attitudes that are to accompany giving:
Giving sacrificially means giving what we can’t afford to give.
Generosity in the Bible is not measured by how much we give, but by how much we have left.
Giving cheerfully means giving willingly and not under compulsion.

Speak to us about other ways of giving.

If you would like to find out more about Christ Church George, please contact the church office as we would love to meet you and tell you more about our church.

Becoming a member

Every Christian needs a church family, a place they can belong, a place where they can love and serve and be loved. Local churches are the spiritual homes that God provides for Christians and we would love to introduce you to our church family.

If you have been visiting Christ Church George for a while and you are thinking of making it your church family, the first step is to attend a membership meeting where you can learn more about what we are about and so that we can get to know you a bit better. This is a safe space for you to ask questions and explore the possibility of membership. We believe members should be active in serving Jesus and we also encourage members to be part of a gospel community group where you can grow in your walk with the Lord.

If you want to explore membership or just find out more about our church family, please complete this form with your details and we can let you know when the next membership meeting is.

Fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible!

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Christ Church George is a Bible teaching church, situated at the Corner of Madiba Drive & Van Kervel Street, Loerie Park, George. We meet on Sundays at 08:00 and 09:30 and offer Sunday School for grade 1 to 7 learners.

The foundation of the Christian message is that God is the one true and living ruler of all things. He is the lord and king of everything that exists. Unlike many human rulers, God is not corrupt or self-serving. He is a thoroughly good and loving ruler, who continues to provide for his world generously, and to rule it with justice.

God is the ruler of everything because he created everything. God is the source and maker of all that exists, including the good and beautiful world that we live in. This is his world. He made it, and he is in charge of it.

He also made us.

God created humanity, and gave us a unique place in his good world. He commissioned us to rule over the world, to care for it, and to be responsible for it—all the while honoring and obeying him as our ruler, and thanking him for his generosity.

Read more: Two ways to live

Everyone is welcome to come and grow with us! The Christ Church George family invites you, and everyone, to come and share in what God is doing.

Christ Church George is a family of Christian believers who put God’s Word above all things. We are committed to the preaching of the Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ alone through expository preaching and teaching of the Bible.

We are a growing family who together seek to know, love and live wholeheartedly for the Lord Jesus Christ, grow in Christ through God’s Word and overflow with the truth, love and grace of Christ to all people.

We encourage family worship where children join in the Worship Service until they go out for Kids Church (preschool to grade 7). The Christ Church George family invites you, and everyone, to come and share in what God is doing.

At our Sunday gatherings, you will be welcomed into a casual, friendly, family environment by people just like you,
in need of Jesus Christ’s love. Come as you are!

We have outgrown our church building and so to accommodate everyone, we currently have worship services at 08:00 and 09:30, while we are in the process of extending. Sunday School is offered at the 09:30 service for preschool to grade 7 learners.

You can expect in our Sunday gatherings:

  • Clear expository preaching and teaching from the Bible
  • Worship through singing and prayer
  • Each service lasts between 60 and 75 minutes
  • Coffee and tea after each service
  • A time to connect with fellow believers


  • At our 09:30 service we have Kids Church so bring  your kids along to join the fun (preschool to grade 7)
  • We encourage family worship where children join in the Worship Service until they go out for Kids Church

We have two Sunday Services, one at 08:00 and one at 09:30. Join us for fellowship and coffee or tea after each service.

Corner of Madiba Drive & Van Kervel Street, Loerie Park, George.

Yes, Christ Church George offers Sunday School during the 09:30 services on Sundays.

Every Christian needs a church family, a place they can belong, a place where they can love and serve and be loved. Local churches are the spiritual homes that God provides for Christians and we would love to introduce you to our church family.

If you have been visiting Christ Church George for a while and you are thinking of making it your church family, the first step is to attend a membership meeting where you can learn more about what we are about and so that we can get to know you a bit better. This is a safe space for you to ask questions and explore the possibility of membership. We believe members should be active in serving Jesus and we also encourage members to be part of a gospel community group (small group bible study) where you can grow in your walk with the Lord.

If you want to explore membership or just find out more about our church family, please contact the church office or send us an email at info@christchurchgeorge.co.za, and we can let you know when the next membership meeting is.


Corner of Madiba Drive & 
Van Kervel Street, Loerie Park,

Contact Us

Phone 044 884 1387

Service times

Sunday service 08:00 & 09:30

Values and beliefs

Our mission

Our mission is to glorify God, to introduce all people to Jesus Christ and for us all to become fully devoted to Him. We believe that the local church is kept healthy and grounded in God’s Word through Evangelism, Discipleship and Training. 

Our vision

God’s mission is our vision. 

Values and beliefs

Word centered. Reformed. Evangelical. Missional. Anglican. Creedal (Confessional). Liturgical.